Top 5 Framework of 2022 For Top IT Companies In India


Vue is one of the most promising user interface development technologies for Top IT Companies In India. It is an open-source, extensible frontend JavaScript framework that allows developers to incorporate a variety of third-party solutions. It also makes use of both one-way and two-way data binding.


React (React JS) is a frontend framework created by Facebook that allows Top IT Companies In India to create interactive user interfaces. React JS has an amazing track record in the industry since it is considered as an efficient, declarative, and flexible open-source JavaScript toolkit for constructing simple, quick, and scalable frontends of online apps, thanks to its vast ecosystem of libraries and packages.


Angular JS is an open-source JS framework for designing single-page apps for both mobile and web developers. It’s an excellent platform for building websites, mobile web apps, native mobile apps, and native desktop apps. You can design cross-platform solutions with substantial speed and performance, even if they are enormous in size.


Ruby on Rails, usually referred to as RoR or just Rails, is an open-source backend web application that is well-suited to sophisticated web applications. It’s a framework based on the MVC architectural pattern that comes with everything you need to build dependable and fast applications. Rails are used extensively by Shopify, Airbnb, GitHub, and Hulu.


Even though it isn’t a programming language or a framework, Node JS is a technology that is mostly used for backend operations in Top IT Companies In India, but it may also be used in conjunction with frontend JavaScript frameworks due to its complexity. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, according to their official website. It’s so popular because it’s simple to learn, quick, mobile-friendly, cross-platform, and developer-friendly. It works with a variety of hosting platforms and is ideal for creating web and mobile apps, as well as eCommerce apps, online payment systems, streaming apps, blogs, and more.

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