Know about Automation and Hyper-automation.

What is automation?

It may be helpful to describe automation first in order to understand hyper-automation and explain how it varies from “normal” automation. To begin with, when we discuss automation in this context, we are referring to the automation that occurs within computers rather than the automation that occurs in factories with robots.

Within a computer, AI development Company in India may be divided into two categories: test automation and robotic process automation (RPA). These two forms of automation serve distinct goals, but they both provide the same benefits: allowing tasks to be done faster, more effectively, and with more accuracy. AI development Company in India therefore adds to increased productivity, cheaper costs, and decreased risk on a commercial level. This is why the need for automation has increased amid the present economic downturn.

What is hyper-automation?

Although the concept of hyper-automation is not new, Gartner’s Strategic Technology Trends for 2020 created the phrase.

“Hyper-automation” is defined as “the use of sophisticated technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to increasingly automate processes and complement humans,” according to Gartner. Hyper automation refers to the sophistication of the automation (i.e., find, analyze, create, automate, measure, monitor, and reassess) as well as the instruments that can be automated. To put it another way, hyper-automation is an extension of automation; it adds a layer of sophisticated technology to automation, allowing it to accomplish more.

“Hyper-automation” is defined as “the use of sophisticated technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to increasingly automate processes and complement humans,” according to Gartner. Hyper-automation refers to the sophistication of automation (i.e., find, analyze, create, automate, measure, monitor, and reassess) as well as the instruments that can be automated. To put it another way, hyper-automation is an extension of automation; it adds a layer of sophisticated technology to automation, allowing it to accomplish more.

Comparison between Automation and Hyper-automation:

AutomationHyper automation
Technologies necessary to complete the taskAutomation tools are used to complete the taskMultiple machine learning, packaged software, and automation techniques were used to complete the task.
Technological sophisticationRobotic process automation (RPA) and task-oriented automationAdvanced artificial intelligence (AI)-based process automation
OutcomeOperational efficiencyOperations that are both smart and efficient
Coverage percentage“What procedures can we automate?”“Everything that can be mechanized will be automated”
ScopeIs managed from a single location.Is a platform, system, and technology ecosystem.

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