What is a metropolitan area network ?
A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network that links computers in a metropolitan region, which can be a single major metropolis, a collection of cities and towns, or any significant area with several buildings. Data Security Companies In India define a metropolitan area network (MAN) as larger than a local area network (LAN) but smaller than a wide area network (WAN). MANs are not need to be in urban areas; the word “metropolitan” refers to the network’s size rather than the demographics of the region it covers.

What goes into the creation of MAN networks?
A MAN is made up of interconnected LANs, similar to WANs. Because MANs are smaller than WANs, data does not have to travel across long distances, making them more efficient. Instead of being controlled by a single company, MANs often integrate the networks of numerous enterprises.
The majority of MANs employ fiber optic lines to link LANs. MANs frequently employ “black fibre,” which are previously unused fibre optic connections that may now transport traffic. These fibre optic lines can be rented from Internet service providers in the private sector (ISP). This paradigm can be inverted in some cases: a local government creates and maintains a metropolitan fiber optic network before leasing dark fiber to private enterprises.
Data Security Companies In India differentiate that a metropolitan area network (MAN) is similar to a local area network (LAN), except that it covers a whole city, university, or another municipal or organizational region. Multiple LANs are connected to form MANs. As a result, MANs are bigger than LANs but smaller than wide area networks (WANs), which cover enormous geographic regions and may link users all over the world.
MANs are often very efficient and can communicate quickly across high-speed carriers like fiber optic cables. However, the development of modalities for getting signals throughout a larger MAN area has resulted from the rise of wireless and subsequent networking technologies.
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